My Voice Has an Echo in It

Kenneth Collins (Writer, Director, Scenic Designer, Lighting Designer, Performer)

My Voice Has an Echo in It was a six-hour, extended-duration performance of live music, spoken text, and video. The performance was set behind two-way mirrors in a soundproof installation. Viewers listened privately through headphones and were encouraged to come and go as they wished.

Performed by Temporary Distortion with music by John Sully.

Response Performance Festival, Buffalo (2016) 
Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago (2016) 
Ideal Glass Gallery / PS122 COIL Festival, New York City (2015) 
EMPAC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (2014) 
Stereolux, Nantes, France (2014) 
Exit Festival / Maison des Arts de Créteil, Paris (2014) 
Via Festival / Le Manège, France (2014)

The Illusion & The Aftermath


Landscape Performance (no. 1)